"Hulst Outfitters is a well managed family business that has a goal of giving their clients the best fishing experience possible. They are professional, from the first call to book a trip to the last hand
shake at the boat launch and beyond. Nathan Hulst is a professional, ethical sportsman that respects his clients and our cold water fisheries.
I am retired and get to fish around and observe many of the Guides on our Western Michigan Rivers. He is not in any way like the aggressive run and gun guides I often encounter on my home waters on the Muskegon River. He is always considerate and courteous to other fishermen and guides he meets on the river. In my opinion he is a true steward of our Muskegon River. He lives in Newaygo County and grew up fishing the Muskegon River and other local streams. He studies the Muskegon river environment and knows what strategy and tactic to take on any given day to get his clients hooked up. He knows his fishing waters like his living room, every log, every seam, every run, riffle, and rock. He knows those magical spots within the spots. I fish the Muskegon many days throughout the year and I atch Nate fish the same places that I just vacated. I see his clients fish the same spots and invariable in a few minutes later Nate will be passing me, heading down stream with his clients, rod bent, trying to chase down a line ripping, cart wheeling steelhead that is trying to run all the way back to Lake Michigan. It is a familiar sight. It is not about fishing numbers with Nate. It is all about a quality fishing experience for his clients. One of the ways that makes Nate a great guide is his attention to detail. His beautiful custom built wooden boat is always in top shape, his gear top of the line and everything is organized for an efficient and effective fishing experience. I have fished with Nate and I always recommend him, especially to family groups and to those fishermen that are new or the less experienced and want to catch salmon or steelhead on the Muskegon River. Book a fall or spring day with Nate and I guarantee you will enjoy a quite day on a beautiful river catching our beautiful hard fighting salmon or steelhead." Charles Chandler |